Analysis of ground and surface water is important for our health. We want you as a laboratory to permanently become better in it to secure our most important natural resource, water.
The confidence in analytical data provided to official authorities and other customers is enhanced through Proficiency Testing (PT). IPS provides evidence from an independent institution for the competency of a laboratory offering in analytical service in water monitoring.
IPS is a leading Proficiency Testing Scheme for Water Analysis in Europe and particularly in the Danube region. With more than 900 participating labs from around the world since 1995, we have demonstrated top quality PT-services to our international customer base. IPS is part of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna in Austria, one of the leading Greenmetric Universities.
Our PT-scheme is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17043:2023.
Our PT-programme covers chemical analysis of synthetic ground and surface water samples for a wide range of target analytes, including major ions, metals and trace elements and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons (VHH). Our synthetic water samples were specifically prepared and tested for each PT-round.
The samples are mailed to you with parcel service within two to five working days within Europe. Deliveries to non-EU countries and may be delayed due to customs clearance.
For stabilization, the samples are sent cooled. They stay stable for min. 4-6 weeks and shall be used within this period. Depending on the parameter group, we ship bottles made of plastic or aluminium. The samples of the parametergroup "metals" are stabilized with 0.5 % HNO3 (v/v).
You select the appropriate analytical method and the number of replicate measurements. If analytical standard methods are suggested in the announcement, it is possible to use equal or better methods instead. For all other parameters, employ the analytical methods which you apply during routine analysis.
There are no limitations regarding the number of analysed parameters. The decision, how many parameters will be analysed, is made by you.
Your analytical results have to be transferred to us until the PT-round closing date. For each parameter and sample, we require and evaluate only one result accompanied by its uncertainty.
The assigned values are published shortly after the end of each PT-round. You receive a confirmation letter of participation with includes your analytical results and their deviation from the assigned value for each single parameter.
To receive information on the exact statistical procedure please contact us directly.
As we are accredited by Austrian Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs your participation in our PT-scheme is in agreement with the requirements laid down in ISO/IEC 17043 for certified laboratories.
A proficiency test for your laboratory will help you not only in regularly checking your internal quality management but also in successfully applying for public tenders as this external supervision is often required by public institutions searching for new service partners in the field of ground or surface water control.
Our PT-scheme is certified by the Austrian Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs according to ISO/IEC 17043:2023. This will help you at any public tender and private offer in your market.
Our synthetic water samples are very carefully contained with exactly the ingredients as proclaimed. The samples are stable for minimum 6 weeks, which gives you enough time to fulfill all your testing procedures.
International testing schemes give you the opportunity to challenge your team with the best laboratories in Europe.
Objectivity is our basic service, you can trust in. IPS is a part of a public university in Austria and has no stake at the laboratory market.
Our core competence is the preparation of stable and complex water samples to be used in Proficiency testing as well as the statistical analysis of your results.
BOKU University, Tulln, IFA
Department of Agricultural Sciences
Institute of Bioanalytics and Agro-Metabolomics
Konrad-Lorenz-Str. 20
3430 Tulln
tel +43(0) 1 47654 97306
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